Beaver Homes and Cottages
McNaughton Home Hardware Building Centre is proud of every job we do, especially a Beaver Homes and Cottages package. As Canada’s Oldest Lumber Yard we bring over 130 years of building material expertise to the table, we keep our promises and are consistent. Our goal as your consultant is for you to realize your dream while enjoying the experience of getting there. There's no job too big or small, and we love solving problems. If you’re planning to build in Southwest Ontario call or email us, and let us guide you to your dream home.

Home & Cottage Model Categories
Our Guarantee
Home's Exclusive Material Package Guarantee
At McNaughton Home Hardware Building Centre, we want you to be successful in your home or cottage building project. Success means building on time and within budget. That's why we back up all of our packages with this exclusive guarantee
When you buy your Beaver Home or Cottage Material Package, we guarantee*:
Whether you select a standard model or have our Architectural Solutions Group modify a model to your specifications, the finished design will meet the requirements of the National and Provincial Building Codes.
The standards of building components and other materials supplied by Home Hardware at the time of purchase conform to, or exceed, the National Building Code of Canada, as well as Provincial Codes. All manufactured products are covered by specific Manufacturer Warranties. The workmanship of all building products and components supplied by Home Hardware are guaranteed to be of a standard acceptable to good building practice.
The price of the Premium Material Package as originally described in the agreement to purchase with Home Hardware, will not increase from the beginning of the project through completion, in normal construction time.
Your Beaver Material Package, as described in the Beaver Home and Cottage Package Specifications, shall be sufficient to complete construction in accordance with the National and Provincial Building Codes and the construction drawings supplied with your Beaver Material Package.
* Valid with a signed and accepted agreement to purchase a Beaver Home or Cottage Material Package.
It's A Simple Process!
This simple process lets you modify an existing model from our collection, or custom design one with help from a Home Building and Design Consultant. In four easy steps you can go from a vision to complete plans.
Step 1
Choose a standard model, or with your consultant sketch out a design of your own that includes all the features you want.
Step 2
Home Hardware's Architectural Solutions Group will provide your consultant with a set of sketches, called quarter prints, that will include the floor plan and elevations (exterior views) of the house. On these quarter prints, changes that you would like to see are marked. That's called redlining. The sketches are revised accordingly and a new set provided.
Step 3
Review the revised quarter prints to determine if the changes are to your liking. Be sure to ask yourself, and your Home Consultant, all the necessary questions about the house and its layout. You can find a comprehensive list of questions in the booklet Drawing Conclusions available from your Home Building and Design Consultant.
Let the Building Begin!
If additional changes are required, repeat the process by redlining the sketches again. Once all your questions are answered and the design reflects your desires, a full set of architectural drawings are completed. Then, let the building begin. A non-refundable deposit that will be applied to your Premium Material Package is required to initiate a preliminary drawing process. Your construction drawings are provided as part of your Premium Material Package at no extra charge.